Here's a collection of some of the tracks we've done. All different genres, for all different purposes. 


Junro is a four piece alt rock band from CT. They recorded their first EP with us and are currently recording their second with us as well.


Hollow is a six piece metal band from Hebron, CT. They approached us to record a 4 track EP with production.

Chris Chiusano

Chris Chiusano is a singer songwriter from Boston, MA. He approached us with acoustic and vocal tracks looking to produce them into a full band.

Short Mascato

Short Mascato is a rapper from Buffalo, NY. A collaborative project, he approached us with lyrics and an idea looking for a fully produced track.

DJ Shellshock 

DJ Shellshock is an electronic artist from Greensborough, NC. He approached us with an idea for combining his electronic music with rock and metal instruments.

Gunpowder Temple

Gunpowder Temple is a progressive metal band originally formed in Orlando, FL. After recently moving to the Northeast, they approached us looking to record and produce a single.